
Showing posts from April, 2010

about affiliate marketing

As we know, the Internet has become a very important tool of today with the help you can really effectively promote your company. Many websites that are active on the Internet relating to the various niches, categories and genres. Affiliate marketing is an important tool to help you increase your websites popularity. To search, there are many sites, good service and facilities to offer in exchange for a small amount of money. By using this site you can promote products and services. Want your personal video to download, you can do this with the help of this site. On this occasion I want to tell you about some important advantages for your products and services to promote using this website. 1. Make money Currently, the Internet has become a great tool where you can actually make money on internet make money online. There are various ways and methods that are available online and can really help you to succeed in your field. Many ways and means to make money, among other things, you can...

Dapatkan 10 Dollar hanya dengan mendaftar

Kemarin saya mendapat email dari seorang teman, yang mengabarkan kalo kita dapat menghasilkan dollar hanya dengan melakukan sign up… Yup.. Trus aq coba deh..chek ke TKP, Eh ternyata yang bagi2 dollar.. Setelah membaca beberapa kali, aq beranikan diri deh untuk ndaftar sebagai salah satu affiliator di geostring.. Program ini menawarkan kepada kita pembayaran minimal 100 dollar lewt check .. Secara garis besar, kita tinggal nunggu email iklan dari mereka trus kita buka deh… Yang paling utama keliatannya adalah kita harus mencari referral sebanyak mungkin untuk mendapat dollar yg lumayan gede dan dapat payout dengan cepat mereka belum menerima paypal sebagai pembayaran.. agak susah juga siih.. update : ternyata per refferal cuman 0.01 dular... jd aq revisi tawaran refferal aq... maaf..