Just info about my Entrecard Status
that’s word out from my mouth after check my blog status on entrecard program,
after submit as their blog EC member, today, entrecard admin have approve my blog.
mengais dollar now have been a member on entrecard program..
hm.. now time to be clicker.. not for PTC but for traffic!!
As you know, in first time I used mengais dollar for info about PTC, but it s make me suffer.. why..??
Because I always get scam program from ptc.. much of them not pay me!!
But now, I used this mengais dollar blog for Paid Review Program..
Actually, this free blog have earn about 30 dollar for PTR, its small money, but I hope with entrecard, I can get more traffic and off course great alexa rank!!..
Today my alexa about 1500000, hope next week it will be up about 800.000 !!
I have target to get about 500.000 for alexa rank..
Are you have use Entrecard for your blog??