Alexa Rank for Mengais Dollar

todays, mengais dollars blog have reach alexa under 1.000.000!
yup, alexa ran for my money online blog are 972.263, its the best Alexa that ever reach by this blog, although for me, its still must be maintenance cause i still have target for this blog, it must have alexa under 500.000 like my others blog....
So, i can said that my experiences way to reach alexa rank is working...
now, mengais dollar have PR 2, Alexa rank under 1 milion, and backlink about 69. hmm.. its time to get money from paid review program..
below are my ways that i ever do, to reach alexa rank for this blog..
1. Join as member on Entrecard.
2. Be a Maniac dropper...
3. Be advertiser on entrecard.
4. Created and posting article about 3 - 4 articles every week..

if you want to get hight alexa rank, you can try to copied my way...


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