Mengais dollar, Talk about "Mind Food"

mengais dollar Dr. George A. Wilson spent more than 40 years in the practice test for some of the thousands of victims of the hysteria and depressive patients and physical illnesses caused by emotional disturbances. He believed that the balance of the acid-base metabolism required for the fine and healthy for your body to increase the nutrients and then work on the bill to feed.
Wrote in A New Slant on diet, Dr. Wilson reported that
(1) is more alkaline in the digestive system, the human nervous system,
(2) the more acidic, it is able to digest nutrients and can combat stress problems. He felt that the balance - that he "no-power" - will help the body resist stress and tension and help heal emotional disorders.
Dr Wilson is a list of stress-tension disorders that interfere with the balance of acidity and alkalinity result. Furthermore, as deletion of the provision of the body of stress Vitamin C - ascorbic acid - needed by the adrenal glands to help increase emotional health. The key to better health, Dr. Wilson believes, avoid the stress state of tension: shock, disappointment is acute, a strong upset, emotional, more fear and anxiety, overwork and inadequate rest.
Dr. Wilson also noted that most people:
(1) more acid in the evening, more coins in the early morning.
(2) acid increased in the summer, in winter tires.
(3) More acid during exercise, more alkaline during the recess.
(4) More alkali cold pain, fatigue, or chronic illness in the beginning.
To contribute to the acid reserve in the morning, in the winter, much to rest, and during the beginning of the disease, Dr. Wilson shows with tonic "" a spoonful of apple vinegar and honey in a glass of water at times. It also recommends that when a person feels tired, irritable, has cold hands and feet (often a symptom of Choked-up, the tension caused by poor blood flow), pain and stiffness, and indigestion.
In addition, they are available fresh juice are well equipped with essential nutrients and the acid needed to maintain the right balance. Of course, Dr. Wilson tonic to your doctor before you get well received. There may be other reasons for the symptoms.
Dr. Wilson brings more balanced meals to help stabilize the metabolism. It recommends the reduction or elimination of starches and sweets, and put the program on his patients:
(1) meat once a day. Other proteins that can be found in other foods.
(2) a piece of wheat, unbleached bread every day.
(3) Select fruit with leaves in the Sun Examples: alfalfa, celery (stalks and leaves), Dandelion Greens, endive, kale, mustaird Greens, turnip greens, watercress, parsley, asparagus, red beet leaves and carrot leaves.
(4) Eat fruit between meals instead of food. Dr Wilson theory: the results are not always clean energy, but they are important and between meals to assist in the preparation of the digestive
another meal. (Note: Further results show that the results are natural sugars help more energy, but Dr.
Wilson in conjunction with other foods, then the energy-effects subsided somewhat.)
Dr. Wilson also warned patients again nervous and NOT a large meal in the evening. The result
toss and prolonged emotional stress.
The doctor is also on the edge of mental depression and hysteria healing by enhancing
nutrition. However, it could report "emotional reinforcement" of the hundreds of patients with
natural foods program.


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