TrekPay Report

Today, connecting internet on my office get trouble,
So this morning, i can not check my blogging activity, so..??
Hmm. As employer, I must do all my job fist… check all PC and network..
As an IT, that’s my regularly job, beside I must do side job [ as blogger off course ].
Btw, Yesterday, my trekpay account have reach 3.00 dollar, hmm .. it close to 5.5 dollar as trekpay minimum payout !!.
Some person ever ask to me about how much PPC for ads at Trekpay. Now I can answer that we will get about 1-3 point per click. In one day, we can get average 19 ads, and its all about 25 point in one day..
As Trekpay rules, they will payment every week, on Thursdays. Just for your info, average we get 0.53 – 0.62 dollar per week..
This program is so simple, we only need to click the ads and let it about 15 second, after that we can close that ads.. In one day, we need 15 minutes for click all ads on trekpay.
Are you interest.
Lets join as my referral, then comment on this post, I will give you some explanation and trick for this PPC program.
For indonesain blogger, I will give tutorial used Indonesian language !!
Hm.. want to be my referral ??


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