FarmVille Distrub My Money Online Time..

Recently internet connection in my office is very slow ...
very slow to download, take more time just for browsing and open blog which have flash animation.. huh..... its really disturb my money online time :(
I tried to contact the internet vendor, what’s wrong with our internet connection....
whether there is interference from the vendor ,....
but vendor said, the connection was "healthy and running well" no trouble from their side….
so.. what happen with our office internet connection!!!!
I tried to find information and to check the office internet server,
also our tools no problem.. ...

hm.. time to googling now!!!
some blogs that contain about internet connection, give information that online game [flash games online] need a lot of bandwidth ....

aha… now i can conclude is likely, due to slow connection ...
GAME FARM VILLE online .. is the trouble source for our internet connection!!!
yup .. I'm sure ...
because before Farm ville [the famous online game through facebook] used by our office staff, , our internet connection run faster…...

now, can I expect, internet user who has a facebook office would play ville farm ....
as IT office administrator, we could blacklist for Farmville !!...
but probably its not fair…. For all person in my office…
what must I do now to overcome this problem??


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